Whether or not you're satisfied with the winner of the 2022 Earth Serial, you have to admit that some people trash talked 1 team or the other in the form of memes. Yes, memes. There were two talented teams—the 2022 World Serial champion Houston Astros, who won a championship for the outset time in their franchise's 52 yr history and the Los Angeles Dodgers had a great run in the MLB postseason merely got blown out five-1 in a do-or-die Game vii. The "Houston Potent" mantra rang true later on the Astros' first Earth Series win and Houston natives had something to cheer for after Hurricane Harvey flooded parts of the fourth most populous metropolis in the United states.

The 2022 MLB Postseason is over, but the latest memes aren't going to stop popping up on social media someday before long. From the atypical Clayton Kershaw hate from anyone not a Dodgers fan to the unusual spouts on the Astros, we're sure you're going to exist entertained past this listing. You don't have to exist a fan of either team or even a baseball fan in full general. Baseball is America'south pastime and while the league'due south television ratings may have declined this season, social media has given regular fans—and sometimes fifty-fifty media members—a voice to poke fun at sports and let loose a little bit. Basically, social media can make a variety of topics more exciting to the boilerplate person.

Here's a listing of 15 recent MLB memes that are brutal.

fifteen fifteen. The Kershaw Hate Never Ends

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Like the championship says, the (Clayton) Kershaw detest never ends.

Don't become us incorrect, Kershaw is a tremendous starter who became the first pitcher in MLB history to atomic number 82 the league for iv consecutive years from the 2011 to 2022 seasons. As a left-handed pitcher for the Dodgers, he's ofttimes compared to Hall of Fame bullpen Sandy Koufax.

In the NLDS, Kershaw allowed four solo dwelling runs in half-dozen 1⁄3 innings, just still picked up the win. In the NLCS, he fabricated two starts against the 2022 champion Chicago Cubs, both of which were Dodgers wins. He appeared in the 2022 World Series. He started in the first game confronting the Astros, hit out 11 batters without walking anyone and allowed merely one run on three hits for the win. His 11 strikeouts were the third most ever by a Dodgers pitcher in a World Series game, trailing Sandy Koufax (15 in 1963) and Carl Erskine (14 in 1953).

Subsequently Game 7, Carlos Correa proposed to his onetime Miss Texas girlfriend, Daniella Rodriguez, so she got a band before Kershaw did. Pitiful, not sorry.

14 xiv. Seinfeld Reference

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Get-go off, permit's thank Twitter user Tony Hogan (@tony_hogan) for this precious stone of a meme. He captioned the photo collage of Fox Sports broadcaster Joe Cadet and Seinfeld'due south George Costanza (played past actor and managing director Jason Alexander) with "Has anyone noticed Joe Buck has lady glasses like George had on Seinfeld?? ? @Seinfeld2000 @SeinfeldTV @JerrySeinfeld"

Nosotros don't know how many people noticed Buck wore women's spectacles that were quite similar to the ones George wore in an episode of Seinfeld, but nosotros're guessing not many people before Hogan tweeted the hysterical photo collage on Twitter. There'due south nothing actually wrong with men who wear women'southward glasses, but information technology's withal kind of weird to the conservative folks out there.

Now yous'll likely never think about this pair of spectacles in the same way again. And if you've never seen George wear these glasses on prime time boob tube before...well, you're just too young.

13 13. The "W" In Washington

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Nosotros all know the Washington Nationals have a tendency to asphyxiate, merely here'south something that you might non have known before seeing this mind-blowing meme: The "Due west" in Washington could be the showtime letter of a sentence, specially a judgement that reads "Nosotros've never won a playoff series."

The poor Nats take lost iv playoff serial (2012, 2014, 2016, 2017) since their move to Washington, D.C. Before the Nats era, they lost one postseason serial in 1981 as the Montreal Expos from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They were a really bad team back then and they're still a bad team (or at to the lowest degree they're often affected by bad luck). Peradventure that bad luck is a Washington-based squad thing because the Redskins, Wizards (formerly Bullets) and Capitals are in similar situations when information technology comes to receiving early on exits in postseason appearances. We know one affair though-at least fans of those teams are loyal.

12 12. The "C" In Cleveland

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According to @BaseballTwitter, the Cleveland Indians inverse their logo...and mantra. The "C" in Cleveland is the first letter of the sentence: "Chokes away two game leads."

Since 2011, the Tribe have fared well in the Chris Antonetti and Terry Francona era. In 2012, they broke the MLB Opening Day attendance tape confronting the Toronto Blue Jays with 43,190 fans at Progressive Field in downtown Cleveland. In 2016, they returned to the MLB playoffs for the first time since 2013. They swept the Boston Red Sox in the ALDS, defeated the Blue Jays in v games in the ALCS and sealed a trip to the World Series against the Chicago Cubs. Unfortunately, they blew a iii-1 atomic number 82 to the Cubs, which disappointed a lot of their fans.

In 2017, the Tribe blew some other lead in the postseason equally they lost to the New York Yankees in the ALDS afterward taking a two-0 series lead.

eleven 11. Darvish's Game seven Struggles

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There was much fence as to who should take started for the Dodgers in Game 7 against Houston. After having some shaky postseason outings, including Game 3 of the Earth Serial, many questioned manager Dave Roberts' decision to start Yu Darvish in Game 7, rather than start Kershaw on two days rest. The questions were quickly answered in Game vii, as Darvish immune v runs in ane 2/iii innings, bringing his Globe Series ERA to 21.60. Brandon Morrow got the terminal out of the second inning and Kershaw came in and quieted things down, pitching four scoreless innings in relief. While Kershaw may not accept been able to go much farther had he started the game, it's unlikely he would have put the Dodgers in a 5-0 hole so early on. The team at present has a total offseason of what if.

x 10. Sums Information technology All Up

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Non exactly a meme, but David Robertson'southward reaction in this picture posted my MLB Memes (@MLBMeme) tin can definitely exist used in a meme if it hasn't already been modified.

In the 2022 AL Wild Carte Game, Robertson picked upwardly a win afterward allowing no runs and setting career-high numbers in innings pitched (3 1⁄iii) and pitches thrown (52). Didi Gregorious, Brent Garner and Aaron Judge scored the prominent runs in the abortion. A two-out bases-loaded walk to Aaron Hicks extended the Yankees' lead to 8-4 in the lesser of the seventh inning. Aroldis Chapman came in the ninth inning to close out the game for an 8-four win.

There'southward goose egg similar the good feeling y'all get when your team advances in a postseason. Robertson felt more than simply a good feeling though. He appeared to exist so shocked that he too grabbed himself downward there. We don't know if he knows about this photo, merely if he does, hopefully he can laugh at himself.

9 ix. Will The Montreal Expos Come Dorsum?

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MLB Memes non just shares hilarious baseball game memes, they also ask questions to their followers. They likely don't have the time to reply to all of their followers, only here's a funny response from a follower.

MLB Memes quoted an article from 12up.com titled "MLB Rejects Montreal'south Offer to Host Yankees-Rays Series" with a simple question: "Was this the correct decision?" Patently, this is a debatable topic, but a Twitter follower with the proper noun The Resistant Goof™ (@MetsFanInPhilly) responded with: "they'll take baseball soon!" and included a picture of the defunct Montreal Expos' logo in New York Mets colors.

There'south 1 thing to answer with a "yes" or a "no" but The Resistant Goof™ was barbarous in his response. The Mets are 14th in 2022 MLB omnipresence, but with the way they've been playing lately, they might not final as an expansion squad for much longer. But we'll see what happens next year.

8 viii. Reality Check For Yankees Fans

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The Yankees and Red Sox rivalry is one of the biggest rivalries in all of professional sports and Boston fans never hold back in calling out New York fans—especially this Twitter user who goes by the name of Boston John Mlynczak (@DaBrashBasher).

Mlynczak wrote: "While I'm at it I might equally well go ahead and hit #Yankees fans with a reality #meme besides.? #BJMoriginal #RedSoxNation #MLB #ESPN #ESPN2" and included exactly what he said...a reality meme. He's right though. Chances are, the majority of Yankees fans haven't seen all 9 of those Earth Series titles—unless if they're older than 56 years old. There'due south no betoken in bragging in how many rings your squad has won, especially if you lot've only seen one or two of them.

The betoken is, no 1 really cares near the nine titles the Yankees won since the 1960 marker. Information technology'southward certainly more important to focus on the present, not the by.

7 7. Possible Tears From Crimson Sox Fans

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This year, the Boston Cherry-red Sox played their 117th MLB flavour and their 106th at Fenway Park. Just similar the 2022 season, the Scarlet Sox finished with a 93-69 record and were 2 games ahead of the 2d place Yankees. It was also their commencement season in 15 years without David Ortiz, who retired after the 2022 season.

The Red Sox won their second directly American League E Championship. This was the showtime time they won the segmentation for ii years in a row. This was too their 9th division championship overall. However, they were eliminated by the Houston Astros in iv games in the 2022 ALDS.

On the same day the Red Sox were out of playoff contention, MLB Memes didn't fail to disappoint us. They tweeted a meme of a Cherry-red Sox game going through a rain filibuster and captioned information technology with "Not sure if pelting or Cherry-red Sox fans tears." Ouch!

half-dozen six. Poor Joe

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Being the managing director for the New York Yankees comes with the most force per unit area in all of baseball. Joe Girardi managed the Yankees for 10 seasons and brought them their 27th World Series championship in 2009. He then managed a immature team that had a breakout year in 2017, which many considered well ahead of schedule. However, the Yankees didn't run into it that way and chose to burn Girardi later on the team'due south seven game loss to Houston in the ALCS.

GM Brian Cashman explained the motility recently, saying: "I made the recommendation based on over a number of years at present, some experiences that I was able to validate — whether it was direct or indirectly — almost the connectivity and the advice level of the players in the clubhouse."

Well, George Costanza once provided tips to Yankees batters in an old episode of Seinfeld. Perhaps Cashman wants a director who can convey to the players that to hit, you have to calculate the velocity '5' in relation to the trajectory 'T' in which 'Yard' gravity, of course, remains a constant.

5 five. No Free Tacos?

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Pitcher Luis Avilan wears the No. 44 for the Dodgers. He's far from a household name for the defending National League Champions, merely he ought to exist recognized for his reactions during the 2022 World Serial.

MLB Memes had a little also much fun with Avilan'southward reactions as they put together a higher of four photos and wrote "Game 2 And Still No Free Tacos." It's pretty funny, but we're sure the bulk of u.s. felt the aforementioned style at abode because nosotros also wanted those tree Doritos Locos Tacos from Taco Bong. Doritos Locos Tacos may not be the most delicious (or legit) tacos in the world, just they're still free tacos. The handing out of free tacos was eventually confirmed when D-backs outfielder Cameron Maybin stole a base of operations during Game two of the Globe Serial. Anybody got their tacos on Nov ane, 2017. But still, this is a savage meme that we'll never forget.

four 4. Buck's Love Matter With Kershaw Remains Relevant

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Once again, we have to bring upward Joe Buck and Clayton Kershaw. This time, we're going to briefly break down Buck's and then-called love affair with Kershaw, which remains relevant on #BaseballTwitter. And this beloved affair has produced this bang-up photo of Buck as the bride and Kershaw as the groom.

According to WGN-Idiot box weather condition anchor Paul Konrad, the couple were registered at the Crafty Beaver Dwelling Centers in Chicago. He added " Chicago Cubs vs Los Angeles Dodgers in #Chicago this evening. #FlyTheW #NLCS." Sure, the Dodgers came back with a vengeance this twelvemonth later on being eliminated past the Cubs last year, but this meme is manifestly withal relevant considering Cadet talked too much about Kershaw in the NLCS.

Cadet has responded to the alleged claims, telling CBS Chicago, "It's kind of ironic that I would get trouble for being too anti-Cubs when really the logical ending to this is Emmys for all if the Cubs celebrate their kickoff world title since 1908...Merely yous can't do it that way. You have to talk about both sides.'"

3 3. A New Twitter Sensation Was Born

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This yr, #BaseballTwitter went berserk when a new Twitter sensation was born during a Cardinals game on September 25, 2017. Andrew Gudermuth lost his nachos at the Cards game. Information technology all happened when the foul brawl off Jedd Gyorko'due south bat came toward Gudermuth's front row seats down Busch Stadium'south left field line.

"Out of nowhere," Gudermuth recalled to 102.five KEZK. "(Addison) Russell comes in, dives over the wall and actually takes my girlfriend out and actually pushes her back into her chair. He slid over my nephew's back in the procedure."

A while subsequently, the Cards gave Gudermuth and his girlfriend a tray of loaded nachos along with new shirts from the Cardinals Squad Store. Some fans likewise bought the couple Italian shaved ice and asked for autographs.

A little while later, Russell came out of the dugout and presented him an society of manifestly nachos. Gudermuth then tweeted, "@cardinals thank you for the loaded nachos @cubs cheers for the plain nachos. Thank you cubs and cards. Unforgettable. #nachoman"

Within an hour, Gudermuth received 7,600 likes and 3,000 retweets on his viral tweet.

But that'due south not all. He also defenseless three foul balls throughout the ballgame and gave 1 to a young Cards fan. And all this happened at the get-go game Gudermuth was able to attend during the 2022 MLB season. He explained to 102.five KZEK, saying, "We couldn't get terminal year considering my mom was going through chemo." His granddaddy bought them the front row seats. "My grandpa surprised united states with them. He knew we actually wanted to get a Cardinal game so he bought u.s.a. tickets and everything. We didn't wait whatever of that to happen."

2 ii. No More than Postseason Kershaw

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This meme isn't totally savage because the residue in peace memes have been around for at to the lowest degree the last couple of years, but this yr, Clayton Kershaw proved u.s.a. all incorrect. The Dodgers ace didn't win a Globe Series with his team, but he did put an end to the postseason Kershaw memes floating effectually the internet. Well, at least for now.

Kershaw was the starting bullpen for Game 1 of the 2022 World Series against the Astros. He struck out eleven batters in the ballgame without walking anyone and allowed simply one run (a solo homer) on three hits to earn a win. He also picked the wins for ii games in the 2022 NLCS against the Cubs and one game in the opener of the 2022 NLDS against the D-backs.

While Kershaw ended an influx of postseason memes, he remained somber after the Dodgers' Game 7 loss to the Astros in the World Series. Kershaw told CBS Sports, "Maybe one of these days I won't fail, nosotros won't fail and we'll win one of these things...There'southward merely ane team that tin can succeed. At that place'south merely i team that wins the final game, so that's tough."

1 1. Coincidence? I Think Non!

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Remember when Sports Illustrated called the 2022 World Series...three years ago?

In case you all forgot, the well-known mag anointed the Houston Astros as your 2022 Earth Serial champs in June 2014. Information technology was more than of a bold prediction than anything else. We don't call up many people, other than Astros fans, absorbed what the three-year-one-time cover said at the time.

"We settled on 2022 because the Astros' young nucleus would past and so be reaching its prime," Sports Illustrated reporter Ben Reiter told CNN. "It was certainly a long shot, but so is everything in baseball."

The readers probably thought the Sports Illustrated staff was crazy because the Astros were dead last and the worst team in baseball in 2014. Maybe this accurate prediction volition break the infamous SI cover jinx that usually causes athletes and teams to teeter after appearing on one of its covers. Maybe they likewise can predict the winner of the 2022 presidential election.

Bray Wyatt Volition Make His First Post-WWE Appearance On Sunday

Bray Wyatt was unexpectedly released from his WWE contract on July 31 of final twelvemonth. He'll make his first post-WWE appearance this Sunday.

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