how to draw 3d block letters easy

In this tutorial, I am going to show you iv ways to draw basic block letters.

If you are interested to become a step further, you can larn some bones typographyic facts and keep with my advanced-level approach to develop variations of your bones letter shapes.

Drawing simple cake letters

Normally, you develop only those messages yous need for your lettering project. However, let u.s.a. go through the steps of creating a whole alphabet. I apply squared paper and develop my letter shapes within a grid of six squares in height and iv squares in width. This template is our basis for applying 4 methods for creating block letters.

Use a grid to develop your skeleton alphabet of block letters

My tip: Play with your filigree. If you apply 6 ten 3 squares, your letters will take a more condensed appearance.

Method 1: Using outlines

Based on your skeleton letters, draw a consistent outline effectually your shapes. The rounded corners here are merely my personal preference.

Use outlines to develop your block letters

Note: Round edges influence the look and experience of your letters in then far that your lettering looks very friendly and soft.

Method two: Applying geometric shapes

For this technique, you depict consistent shapes such every bit rectangles around your skeleton messages. A squared paper underneath your drawing helps to ensure consistent widths.

Your skeleton should be centered within your geometric shapes.

Use shapes to develop your block letters

Method 3: Scribbling

This is my well-nigh favourite approach since yous can shape your letters at speed. Scribble onto your lines as sparse or as thick as you wish. Outline your consequence to gain a more precise appearance. Refine your result and fill in your letters.

Use shapes to develop your block letters

Method 4: Apply a monolinear brush marking

Use a monolinear brush marker (felt tip) and write your messages above your skeleton. Place a newspaper to a higher place your writing and redraw your shapes with a pencil. Optimize your shapes.

Use a brush marker for your block letters

Challenge yourself: Cake letters have multifaceted shapes. Develop your own manner past building fancy shapes out of your basic block letters.

I give you more advanced tips to modulate your letter of the alphabet shapes in the class of this tutorial.

Creating an entire block letter alphabet

Place a new sketch newspaper above your skeleton and add widths to your lines by drawing equal shapes (rectangles) around each line. Take a close look at my example to see my process of how I develop more complex letters such as A, R, M, N, V, W.

Create your letter bodies

Once you lot are happy with your alphabetic character bodies, fill in the sketched shapes.
Congrats, at that place you have it: your alphabet of block letters with monolinear strokes.

Fill in your letter bodies

Advanced skills to create block letters

Let united states of america talk about sans serifs and serifs

We can split block letters into sans serifs and serifs. During the industrial revolution around 1760–1840, new type designs began to sally, among them sans serif letters which were called grotesque messages likewise. The reason for this name: People were not used to the appearance of letters without serifs.

Sans serif letterforms lack calligraphic characteristics. They do not have whatever elongations or ornate endings added to their stems.

Serif and sans serif letterforms

Serif messages which get back to ancient Roman times take one thing in common: they all have specific marks or decorative stuff added to their major strokes or stems.

The Trajan's column in Rome for example shows a very aboriginal Roman alphabet whose delicate serifs were achieved with a chisel.

High dissimilarity and depression contrast letterforms

There is another classification: You can split up your letters into shapes of high and low contrast or no contrast at all.

Dividing your letterforms into categories of high and/or low contrast

My tip: The respective stroke width has a smashing influence on the look and experience of your letters.

All capital U letters are based on the aforementioned skeleton U yous see in my sketch. Letters with monolinear strokes whether these strokes are sparse (2d row on the left) or thick (tertiary row on the left) are shapes with no contrast.

Differences in widths draw attention to your letters and in near cases they look more interesting or elegant or playful. Experiment with creating various degrees of contrasts.

Play with the look of your block letters by producing high contrast shapes

Advanced level knowledge

Your majuscule messages sit on the baseline and go to the cap meridian. This is your basic frame made of 6 ten iv squares.

Optimize your letter shapes optically

Round (B, C, D, Thousand, J, O, P, Q, R, S, U) and triangle lettes shapes (A, V, West) demand an overshoot. This means: Their shapes accept to go a tiny bit below the baseline or the cap peak or the left/correct side of your grid (B, D, O, Q, …).

Our alphabet includes round, rectangle and triangle shapes. Optical adjustments are necessary to make your letters look similar. This has zip to do with mathematical measurements. Yous have to measure out the appearance with your eyes.

  • Take a close await at my letters East, F, L, T. Depict their crossbars shorter than 4 squares broad. Otherwise they would appear a bit out of shape.
  • Draw the lower abdomen part of your B a flake wider than the upper function.
  • In my example, the N is a bit wider than 4 squares. This applies to my letters K, M and X too.
  • Draw the upper crossbar of your letter Z shorter than the lower crossbar.

My pro tip: What most the crossbars in general?

  • The crossbar of the letter H is centered and sits at the x-height.
  • The crossbar of the letter A sits beneath the x-height.
  • The crossbar of your R is below the centered 10-pinnacle, but in a higher place the crossbar of your A.
  • The E has a batten which sits a bit higher up the centered x-pinnacle.
  • Referring to the F, its batten is a chip below the one of your E.

Note: The crossbar is ever a scrap narrower than the width of your stroke. When you depict your letters with a width of 1 square, your crossbars have to take a width size under 1 foursquare.

Creating a medium contrast block alphabetic character

Proceed as follows: Depict your skeleton. Scribble out the widths as you wish. Continue calligraphic principles in mind. When you movement your paw upwards, you have to create a thin stem. When y'all move your paw downwards, you take to draw in a thicker stalk.

Use scribbling to elaborate letters

Outline your scribbling and optimize your shape. One time yous are satisfied, fill up in the body.

If you are unsure about the correct placement of thickened strokes, expect at Google for high contrast sans serif fonts to analyze the correct structure.

Creating various cake alphabetic character shapes

Take the skeleton alphabet you created at the offset of this tutorial. Employ information technology as your starting point to develop farther block letter shapes.

Create a variety of gorgeous block letters
  • Step one: Place a sketch paper or squared paper in a higher place your skeleton.
  • Footstep 2: Scribble onto your lines and modulate the widths of your stems.
  • Step 3: Outline and optimize your scribblings to proceeds precise cake letter shapes. Remember all the optical adjustments that might be necessary.
  • Step 4: Add serifs to your block letters if this is the way y'all have in mind.

Tip: Inquiry Google to be sure about the correct placement of serifs. Brand a moodboard and collect various serifs and ornate elements added to stem endings.

One time yous know the rules, y'all tin can break them by calculation your crossbars at quite a high position for example. When yous introduce principles to your alphabet, consistency is the primal.

  • Step 5: Fill in your messages to gain a loftier black and white contrast. This helps to evaluate the expect of your letters.
Elaborate fancy block letter styles

In one case you experience comfortable with this technique, you tin can claiming yourself by drawing artistic block letter shapes.

Draw exaggerated letter shapes

Applying the scribbling method to a hand lettering project

To provide you with various types of messages, my lettering instance includes multifaceted shapes.

Sketch out your skeleton for your block lettering project

Tip: Employ a square paper underneath your sketch.

My pro tip: Keep your grid in mind. Some other method is to sketch out shapes (identical rectangles, ellipses and triangles) where yous place your letters within. This helps to sketch out homogeneous letter shapes.

Use scribbling to elaborate letters

The scribbling technique is a quick and rough method to assistance you evaluate your concept. You lot get a adept impression of how your hand lettering projection might expect.

Add your style to your block letters

Accept a bare sheet of paper and add your style to your block letters. Outline the scribblings, add serifs or rounded corners, swashes, flourishes, decorations. This step is the almost time-consuming one. In most cases, y'all will draw one sketch after the other to go the most out of your basic concept. Use your creativity and give shape to your artwork.

Refine your project and draw your block letters

Note: The final step is very relaxing. Yous have solved all your problems in the meantime. Concentrate on refining your project and redraw your beautiful block letters with a very sharp pencil.

The post-obit steps are upwardly to you lot. Catch your pens and refine your lettering or scan your artwork and use it as a digital template for further proceedings on the Ipad or computer.

Final words

I promise y'all enjoyed reading this tutorial and learning my tricks and approaches of creating various cake letter styles with ease. Have fun by lettering quotes with amazing block messages. Stay astonishing!

Refine your block letters with pens or digitally


Sandra Brezina

Lettering artist, illustrator, book author and graphic designer.

Sandra is a passionate handlettering designer and illustrator from Vienna. She loves to create letterings for logos and all kinds of products. She is a lettering book author, conducts workshops and develops greeting cards. At events, she letters alive on products.


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