Didnt Trump Just Ask the Russians to Interfere Again?

Karen DeYoung

Associate editor and senior national security correspondent

President Trump on Nov. 11 said he believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin is existence truthful when he denies that Russia meddled in the 2022 presidential election.

President Trump said Saturday that Russian President Vladimir Putin again denied that Moscow tampered in the U.S. presidential entrada last year.

The 2 men had brief conversations during a larger coming together of the Asia-Pacific Economical Cooperation forum in Danang, Vietnam, before Trump flew to Hanoi for a bilateral meeting Sunday with Vietnamese leaders.

Trump said that he had "two or three" brief conversations with Putin mostly centered on the war in Syria, only added that he pressed the Russian leader on Moscow's role in attempting to interfere in the 2022 ballot.

"He said he didn't meddle," Trump said, answering questions in the press motel on Air Forcefulness Ane. "I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. . . . He said he absolutely did non meddle in our election. He did not do what they are proverb he did."

Trump said that he believed Putin was "sincere" in his denials, and that Putin seemed to notice the question insulting. Suggesting that what he called the "artificial Autonomous hit job" of investigations of his campaign were preventing U.S.-Russian cooperation on a range of issues, including Democratic people's republic of korea, Trump said that it is "a shame, because people will die because of it."

In his own news conference after their talks, Putin said he knew "admittedly nix" about contacts with Trump campaign officials, and called reports that a campaign official sought a meeting with his niece "bollocks," co-ordinate to an interpreter.

"They tin can practise what they desire, looking for some sensation," Putin said of the investigations. "But at that place are no sensations."

Putin said he and Trump "hardly know each other," just described the U.South. president equally "very professional, very friendly, he behaves very appropriately. Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to become downwards to some more details," he said, "because we take many matters to talk over."

He blamed the lack of a formal meeting between the two at the briefing on the "failure" of their corresponding teams, and said they would exist "lectured" on the lapse.

The ii leaders issued a joint statement pledging to proceed their cooperation to defeat the Islamic State in Syria, and their commitment to U.N.-brokered peace negotiations between the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and opponents fighting to oust him.

Trump also described old FBI director James B. Comey, who testified to Congress that Trump asked him to drop an investigation of his campaign's ties to Russian officials, as a proven "liar" and "leaker." Trump called the former U.S. intelligence officials who ended that the Russians tampered — including old director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. and former CIA director John Brennan — "political hacks."

Clapper, Brennan and Comey, on behalf of the 17-agency intelligence community, issued a report in January describing an unprecedented Russian intelligence performance to undermine public faith in the U.South. autonomous process and help elect Trump.

The intelligence agencies have said that Russian hackers stole and made public thousands of emails from the Democratic National Commission, also spread misinformation in an attempt to aid Trump trounce Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump, however, has said he does not believe that Russian federation actively sought to help him.

The assessment sparked ongoing, separate investigations by Congress and special counsel Robert South. Mueller Iii, a old FBI director, of Russian interference in the entrada. Those inquiries include determining whether there was whatsoever collusion betwixt the Russians and the Trump entrada.

Trump said that Putin "is very, very potent in the fact that he didn't do information technology. You have President Putin very strongly, vehemently, says he has nothing to do with that. Now, y'all are not going to become into an argument, you lot are going to start talking about Syrian arab republic and the Ukraine."

Sen. Mark R. Warner (Va.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Commission, said in a statement that he was left "completely speechless" by Trump'southward willingness "to have the word of Vladi­mir Putin, a erstwhile intelligence operator who spent years working against the states, over the conclusions of our own combined intelligence community."

In response to questions almost Trump'southward remarks, the CIA issued a statement proverb that Director Mike Pompeo "stands by and has always stood by the January 2022 Intelligence Community assessment. . . . The intelligence cess with regard to Russian ballot meddling has not changed." The assessment did not address whether Russian meddling altered the election outcome.

Mueller's team recently brought indictments against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and an associate, Richard Gates, alleging that betwixt 2006 and 2016, they attempted to launder money made every bit consultants to Russian-allied leaders in Ukraine and that they had acted equally unregistered agents for a foreign government.

"At that place was no collusion," Trump said on the plane. "Everybody knows there was no bunco."

He labeled "phony" a dossier compiled by a sometime British intelligence agent alleging ties betwixt Trump and Moscow. The document was later turned over to U.S. constabulary enforcement authorities. Many of the allegations take not been independently confirmed.

Trump as well bandage arraign on one-time president Barack Obama and Clinton, a sometime secretary of state, who famously attempted a "reset" of U.S. relations with Russia during Obama's first term. Trump referred to Clinton'south "stupid reset push button," in which she presented Russian Foreign Government minister Sergei Lavrov with an oversize "reset button" that erroneously used the Russian word for "overload" instead of "reset."

"Hillary tried it, she failed, nobody mentions information technology," Trump said. "She hit that reset push. It was a joke. Only she tried and she failed." Trump said that Obama had bad chemistry with Putin and that Clinton was "in mode over her head."

When Trump was asked during the flight to Hanoi whether he believed Putin'south denial of tampering, he said: "Every time he sees me, he says, 'I didn't do that,' but I really believe that when he tells me that, he means information technology. . . . I call up he's very insulted by information technology, and that'south not a good affair for our country."

Trump met with Putin this summer on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Germany, afterward which he said Putin issued similar denials. Both and then and now, Trump did not directly answer to questions as to whether he believes Putin.

On a different topic, Trump was asked whether Roy Moore, the Republican nominee in the U.S. Senate race in Alabama, should drib out of the race over allegations that he had sexual contact with a 14-twelvemonth-quondam girl when he was 32 . White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters two days agone that Trump thinks that "mere allegations" are non enough to "ruin" Moore's life simply that if the allegations are true, he should "practise the right thing and pace bated."

Trump said he has been too decorated during the Asia trip to focus on the allegations against Moore.

"Believe it or not, fifty-fifty when I'm in Washington or New York, I do non watch much idiot box," he said. "I know they like to say that. People that don't know me, they like to say I lookout man television — people with false sources. You know, fake reporters, false sources. But I don't get to lookout man much television. Primarily because of documents. I'one thousand reading documents. A lot. And different things. I really read much more. I read [articles by] you people much more than I lookout television. Just anyway. So I have not seen very much nearly him, about it. And you know I put out a statement yesterday that he'll exercise the right thing."

Nakamura reported from Danang, Vietnam. DeYoung reported from Washington.

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Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/he-said-he-didnt-meddle-trump-talks-with-putin-about-us-elections-and-syria-in-brief-interactions/2017/11/11/fbcfe4c2-c6ff-11e7-afe9-4f60b5a6c4a0_story.html

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